Burgers do not go off-limit while you are trying to eat healthily. Research has shown that red meat used as a filling in Burgers is a great source of protein and essential nutrients. Burgers in North Miami use lean meat in filling to reduce the saturated fat content.

You can add spices and herbs to the burger to make it flavorsome. Not only do the herbs add flavor but they are also loaded with antioxidants like polyphenols. Add a few pinches of the dried herbs to the patties before cooking. Gourmet burgers in Miami are generally served with freshly chopped herbs for that extra bit of seasoning.

You must choose your burger topping wisely as a thick layer of salt, sugar, and cream is the quickest way to incapacitate a healthy burger. You can replace sugary ketchup with homemade ketchup or salsa. Burgers in North Miami use guacamole instead of mayo. Pack your burger with fresh or grilled peppers, mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes.

Instead of white bread, you can use cloud bread which is a low-carb option. Gourmet burgers in Miami use a schmear of avocado instead of mayo. To give your burger a nutritious kick add spinach or romaine.